Stricter Teen Driving Laws Responsible for Saving Lives

Ten years ago, teen driving laws in Connecticut went through a drastic change. And now that enough time has passed, it is clear that this change was much needed and effective. Here is a closer look at what caused the teen driving laws to change, how impressive the accident rate decrease is, and how Fresh …

DriveTracker App for a More Effective Driver’s Education

A key part of the learner’s permit process is getting the required amount of practice driving hours logged, but tracking these hours can be complicated. Effective driving schools are ones that make it very clear, to both the driver and their parents, that completing and maybe even exceeding the required hours is key to creating …

Fresh Green Light Driving School Opens In New Canaan.

We are thrilled to officially be opening our doors in the heart of New Canaan at 111 Cherry Street (next to Swirl Frozen Yogurt). Behind the Wheel lessons will start on March 18th and we are planning for classes to begin on Monday, April 1st. Why choose Fresh Green Light? We create safer drivers. Over …

Why Parents Are the Most Important Driving Instructor

You care about your child more than anything, which is why you did your research to find the best driving school in Connecticut. However, sending your child to Fresh Green Light is just the first part of the equation. We are only with your child for eight hours of driver’s ed instruction, and while we …

5 Tips for Driving Safely with ADHD

If you have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, driving can be especially difficult. As discussed by psychologist Nadine Lambert, Ph.D., the skills you need to drive safely, such as staying focused on one task, following through, and planning ahead, can be challenging for you. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drive with ADHD. As …

Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship Proud to partner with Fresh Green Light!

By Julie Garner, Project Yellow Light/Hunter Garner Scholarship   I once heard someone say that having a child is like having your heart outside of your body, in another person. I couldn’t agree more. It’s that amazing feeling of unconditional love. Losing a child is like having your heart ripped from your chest, thrown to the …

How to Handle a Traffic Stop: A New Requirement for Illinois Driver’s Education

Getting pulled over is nerve-wracking for everyone from experienced drivers to teenagers. And if you act the wrong way, you could inadvertently get in a lot more trouble than you would otherwise. This is part of the idea behind the new Illinois law that requires all driving schools in Illinois to teach their students the right …

Illinois Students: Fresh Green Light IL is now SAFE START DRIVING SCHOOL!
Same owners, same instructors, same everything...