In-Car Lesson Safety Protocols

Required In-Car Lesson Safety Protocols: STUDENTS

As part of conducting in-car lessons safely, we are requiring that all students follow the following safety protocols dictated by the State of CT and Fresh Green Light*.

  • ALL driving lesson will begin and end at Fresh Green Light facilities.
  • All Parents must complete the FGL Liability Waiver before starting In-Car Lessons.
  • All Students must be free of these symptom unrelated to a known medical illness:
    • Fever
    • New or Worsening Cough;
    • Sore Throat;
    • Shortness of breath;
    • Chills or Rigors;
    • New headache, neck ache or muscle pain not related to physical activity;
    • Loss of taste or smell;
    • More than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
  • If a student has recovered from COVID-19, we will need a Doctor note approving the student for driving lessons.
  • Students must wash hands/sanitize hands prior to entering Fresh Green Light vehicle.
    • FGL will provide hand sanitizer, soap and access to restrooms at our facilities.
  • Students must wear a face mask that covers both nose and mouth the entire lesson.
    • Students can provide their own mask.
    • FGL will have disposable masks as well for students that don’t have a mask.
  • Windows must be open throughout entire lesson.
  • If the students has traveled to a state that requires a quarantine upon return, the 14 day period must be complete.

Required In-Car Lesson Safety Protocols: INSTRUCTORS

As part of conducting in-car lessons safely, we are requiring that all instructors follow the following safety protocols as dictated by the State of CT and Fresh Green Light*.

  • All Instructors have been tested for COVID-19 within a week coming back to work with FGL and will continue to be tested regularly.
  • All Instructors are monitored daily for COVID-19 symptoms include temperature checks at beginning and end of their shifts.
  • Instructors must wash hands/sanitize hands prior to entering Fresh Green Light vehicle and in between each driving lesson.
  • Instructors must wear a face mask that covers both nose and mouth the entire lesson.
  • Instructors have the option of wearing a medical grade face shield in addition to their mask.
  • Windows must be open throughout entire lesson.
  • Vehicle high touch areas (i.e. steering wheel, gear shift, etc.) will be wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes between each driving lessons.

* These protocols have been created by Fresh Green Light based on CT DECD & DMV requirements, CDC Guidelines, and AAA Published Protocols for Driving Schools.

If you have any questions about your in-car driving lessons, please email:

Illinois Students: Fresh Green Light IL is now SAFE START DRIVING SCHOO!
Same owners, same instructors, same everything...